🦄 Table of contents

🧪 Overview

Hypotheses, goals & research questions

Task Hypotheses Goals Research questions
Task 1 The majority of participants will successfully complete the mix & match order from two different stores, indicating an intuitive and user-friendly ordering process. To assess the ease and success rate of users placing a mix & match order from two different stores, evaluating the app's intuitive and user-friendly ordering process.
Are there any specific steps or actions that users find challenging or confusing during the process?
Task 2 Participants will easily navigate to the "Reorder" feature without significant challenges, demonstrating clear and accessible access to past orders for seamless reordering. To evaluate users' ability to navigate to the "Reorder" feature and assess the clarity of access to past orders for seamless reordering. How easily can users locate the "Reorder" feature?

Do users encounter any difficulties or confusion while trying to access their past orders process? | | Task 3 | Participants will efficiently check the real-time order status, reflecting a streamlined tracking system that enhances the overall user experience. | To measure the efficiency of users checking the real-time order status, evaluating the effectiveness of the tracking system for enhancing the user experience. | Are users able to understand and interpret the order status updates without confusion?

Are there any specific aspects of the order status tracking that users find particularly helpful or lacking? | | Task 4 | The feedback collection process for leaving a rating and review will be straightforward and engaging, encouraging participants to share their experiences effectively. | To examine the feedback collection process for rating and reviewing orders, focusing on user engagement and the ease of sharing experiences. | What percentage of users opt to provide additional feedback, such as photos or keywords?

Do users encounter any challenges or hesitations while leaving a rating and review? |

🛠️ The setup

Product to be tested


Business Case

Reason for User Testing:

Benefits of Testing: